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Effective Strategic Management
-Corporate Strategic Planning
-Time Management Strategic
-Effective & Efficient Performance
-Change Management
-Managerial Skills Empowerment
-Time & Stress Management
-Goal Setting for Successful Management
-How To Build Corporate Culture

Effective Risk Management
-Risk Management Strategic
-Conflict Management
-Crisis & Change Management
-Six Sigma Quality Management
-Transformation Thru Empowering
-Boosting Revenue Through Prefection of
Internal Process, People development,
and Strategic Marketing

Effective HR Management
-Building HRM Mindset for Non Manager,
Quickwins to Develop People Effectively
-Exploring Human Excellence
-Performance Anda People Development
-Sales Recruitment And Development D
-Designing HR Strategy

Effective Marketing Management
-Marketing and Competitive lntellegence
-Dimension of Business Success
-Strong Brand Strong Profit
-Strategic Retail Marketing
-Power Pricing to Maximize Profit

Effective Supervisory Management
-Effective Professional Supervisory Manager
-Effective Professional Team Leader
-Comprehensive Supervisory Skills
-Supervisory skills for Security People

Effective Sales Management
-Smart Selling & Super Marketing
-Professional Debt Collections Skills
-Smart Collector-‘People
-Professional Sales Manager
-Creating Sales Superstar
-Creative Selling for Sales Team
-Selling Advance Solution
-Easy Selling & Easy Marketing
-Happy Selling & Happy Buying
-Professional Counter Sales
-The Art of Big Selling
-The Art of Competitive a Negotiation
-Building Salesmanship Skill for Maximum Result

Effective CUSTOITIET Management
-Comprehensive Handling Customer Complain
-Customer Care & Service Excellence
-Customer Loyalty Advantage
-Self Reflection for Service Excellence

Effective Leadership Skills
-Leadership Development Program
-Self Mastery Leadership
-How To Motivating & influence People
-Powerful Leader
-Leadership when The Heat’s On
-Leadership for Sales dan Marketing People
-Why Leader Eat Last, Creative Problem
Solving, and Sharp Decision Making
-Problem Solving and Decision Making
-Situasional Leadership
-Smart and Innovation Leadership
-Comprehensive Branch Manager Quality
-Excellence Team Work for Maximum Contribution
-Powerful Branch‘lManager for Effective Result
-Handling Difficult People
-Effective Communication & Interpersonal Skills
-Sucessful Coaching for Maximum Performance

Effective Training For Trainer
-Basic Training for Trainers
-Advance Training for Trainers
-Comprehensive Training for Trainers
-How To Be a Good Trainer
-Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring

Effective Motivational Session
-Time To Change
-Let’s Transform Your Potential Perform
-Personal Effectiveness & Self Awareness
-The Spirituality at Work & Business
-Happiness at Work
-Leadership & Motivation Skills
-Character Building & The Winning Team
-The Champion Mentality & Personal Excellence

The Others 
-Strategic Business Portfolio, Corporate Culture and
Human Resource Management System,
Job Evaluation, Grading System and Salary Structure
-Performance Management System Based
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
-Good Corporate Governance and Corporate
Culture (GCG) implementation and Corporate
Culture Development
-HRM Audit Manual, Result and Recommendation,
HRM Road Map, HRM Manual Policy and Procedure
-Corporate Culture Development
-Establish Competency Based Human
Resource Management
-Employee Potential Asessment
-Manpower Planning and Workload Analysis
-Productivity Improvement & Employee Engagement
-Competency Based HRM

-Productivity and Cost Reduction
-Service Excellent Based Values
-Pention Preneur Program
-Public Speaking and Business Presentation Skills
-Public Speaking & Communication Skills

Motivational Outbound Training,
Fun Outing, and Family Gathering
-Performance Communication Skills
-Leadership for The Winning Team
-Fun and Refreshing Work
-Team Building for Family
-To Be Number One
-Attitudes Puzzle Outbound Program
-Motivational Outbound Training with
Glass Walk & Fire Walk Experience

Spesial Program Pelatihan & Sertifikasi :

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